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Northumberland County < Barnes NB Almanack 1871 < Odds 'n Sods < Home | ||||||
Barnes NB Almanack 1871: Northumberland County
Northumberland County Judge of the County Court - - Hon. Edward WILLISTON, Samuel THOMSON, Esq., Clerk. Terms:Fourth Tuesday in January and July, second Tuesday in April and third Tuesday in October. Justices of the Peace - - George KERR, Richard HUTCHINSON, Peter MITCHELl, Thomas C. ALLAN, Alexander McLAGGAN, Thomas W. UNDERHILL, James W. HIERLIHY, John PORTER, Peter MORRISON, James L. PRICE, Alexander FRASER, Jr., Donald McNAUGHTON, Miles McMILLAN, John McALLISTER, Jr., Alexander LOUDON, William Muirhead, George E. LETSON, John McRAE, Hiram FREEZE, William RUSSELL, John WILLISTON, Louis ROBICHEAU, Robert T. MILLER, John PALLEN, Burk ARCHIBALD, William M. KELLEY, Michael MKENDRICK, John LAWLOR, Alexander K. Mdougall, George A. BLAIR, Thomas F. GILLESPIE, Miles CARROLL, John NOONAN, William PARK, John RUNDLE, James FISH, Neil GORDON, David JOHNSTON, Robert FALCONER, George BURCHILL, Alexander SAUNDERS, Duncan DAVIDSON,John JOHNSTON (Tabusintac), Alex. LOGGIE (Burnt Church), John FAIRLEY, William SWIM, Peter ESSON, William C. HARLEY, John NEVIN, Charles SARGEANT, Jesse G. HARDING, Robert R. CALL, Alexander JASSAMINE, William FALCONER, Vital ALLAN, James T. GRIFFIN, Jacob C. GOUGH, Adam D. SHERRIFF, Michael SEARLE, William WILLISTON, Jabez B. SNOWBALL, William Masson Jr., John G. LAYTON, Enoch FLETT, John CAIN, Bartholomew STAPLETON, John BROWN, Richard HAWKIN, William MURRAY, Arthur WRIGHT, Malachi DWYER, Francis J. LETSON, Joseph R. GOGGIN, Hugh HOLT, James Edgar, Donald McLAUGHLIN, William McRAE, Avard HUTCHISON, Charles C. WATT, Francis E. WINSLOW, Robert BROWN, Harvey FINNEY, Patrick FARRELL, William ENNIS, Thomas AMBROSE, James McGEE, William OBRIEN, William WILSON, John McNAUGHTON, John McKAY, James FITZPATRICK, William G. CREIGHTON, Prudence ROBICHEAU, Matthew SAVOY, Duncan MORRISON, Robert WHITNEY, David SUMMERS, William McKAY, Justus FARLEIGH, Alexander MILLS, James GRAHAM, Daniel McMILLAN, John McLAGGAN, John CURRAN, Robert SWIM, John ARBO, Alex. McDERMOTT, Robert JORDAN, William T. UNDERHILL Jr., Charles DONALDS, Jeremiah ULLOCK, Charles B. LYONS, and Maurice ODONNELL,Esquires. Clerk of the Circuits Samuel THOMSON, Esq. High Sheriff James MITCHELL, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls-- S. THOMSON, Esq. Judge of Probates Samuel THOMSON, Esq. Registrar-- Daniel FERGUSON, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills John LAWLOR, Esq. Coroners Allan A. DAVIDSON, Robert B. WASSON, Edward ROGERS, John McLEOD, John S. BENSON, John THOMSON, MD, William WILLISTON,B.N.T. UNDERHILL, Elijah FOWLER, C. C. WATTS, James PATTERSON, William C. CREIGHTON, John PALLEN, MD, and Samuel LEWIN, Esquires. Trustees of the Grammar School Rev. W. S. NEALES, Rev. Edward HICKSON, Geo. A. BLAIR and J. B. SNOWBALL,Esquires. Inspector of Schools D. MORRISON, Esquire Commissioners for TAKING AFFIDAVITS IN THE SUPREME COURT Newcastle Richard DAVIDSON and William PARK, Esquires. Barristers, Attornies and Notaries Public Newcastle:- Allan A. DAVIDSON, Samuel THOMSON and Michael ADAMS, Esquires.Chatham:- George KERR, William WILKINSON, Daniel FERGUSON and Richard CARMAN, Esquires. Commissioner for Solemnizing Marriage(name only recorded but as --- ---- -----, Esq.) Issuers of Marriage Licenses S. THOMSON and Elijah FOWLER, Esquires. Seizing Officer of Hay out on Crown Land William PARKER Auctioneers Robert T. MILLER, Charles MARSHALL, John FISH, Jabez B. SNOWBALL, Robert BLAKE, Adam D. SHERIFF, James JOHNSTONE, George A. WILLARD, W. Wyse, John G. G. LAYTON, W. C. HARLEY, Elisha FOWLER, Charles C. WATT and James PATTERSON. Revenue Officers --Chatham:- Collector,Daniel FERGUSON;Landing Surveyor,J. C. E. CARMICHAEL;Waiter, Searcher and Locker,James T. GRIFFIN.Newcastle:- Collector, W. PARKER;Waiter, Searcher and Locker,D. McGRUAR Consuls --Norwegian: Hon. R. HUTCHINSON, Prussian; Edward HUTCHISON, Esq. Chatham Gas Light Company Richard HOCKEN, Esq., President;William MUIRHEAD and Dr. J. POLLEN,Esquires, Directors. Terms of the General Sessions Second Tuesday in January and July. |
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